History of Israel

The first archaeological evidence is of Israel is dating 9. thousand to eleven years ago. We think that the first people who came to the kingdom of Israel migrated from Mesopotamia. The most of Israels's history comes from the bible.

From 1280 B.C.E. to about 1750 were Israelites slaves in Egypt. That's why they were travelling in the desert for 40 years. When Mosus died, Joshua led the people into the land of Canaan, or the Promised Land. Saul became the first king of Israel in 1020 B.C.E. He was succeeded by David in 1004 B.C.E. David establish Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel. After David was crowned Solomon (in 965 B.C.E), who build the First Temple בֵּית־הַמִּקְדָּשׁ. In 925 the kingdom split into two parts, Israel and Judah. After conquering by Assyria, the city of Jerusalem was destroyed, and the Jews were exiled to Babylon.

In 538 Babylon was conquered by the king of Persia, who allowed the Jews to return to their homeland, where rebuild the Temple, which was destroyed due to conquered, and became known as the Second Jewish State. Between 322 and 160 B.C., the land of Israel changed hands several times under various Greek and Syrian rulers. In 160 B.C.E Judas Maccabee created a group of Jews rebels which reclaim Jerusalem. This victory is celebrated as Hanukkah and after that Judah became an independent state in 141 B.C.E.

After that, many conquers of Israel State happened and the Temple was destroyed and rebuild again.


Byzantines ruled the area from 313 to 635. From 614 to 629 Jews could rule the Jerusalem but they were under Persian jurisdiction. In 638 Arab Muslims conquered Jerusalem, where their rule it until 1078. Then it in 1187 the Kurdish ruler of Egypt, conquered Jerusalem. Since 1516 Israel has known as Palestine and the same year was taken over by the Ottoman Turks, who ruled for 400 years. Napoleon unsuccessfully attempted to take the land in 1799.

Modern Israel

The first modern Jewish basic country in Palestine was established in 1870. In 1897 First Zionist Conference was held in Basel, Switzerland, and under the initiative of the Hungarian Jew Theodor Herzl, the Zionist movement began, which is the national movement of the Jewish people its mission to create a Jewish homeland in the territory from which the Jews had been expelled nearly two thousand years earlier. Britain expressed support for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, but British restricted Jewish immigration to the region, even by Jews who were experiencing persecution at the hands of the Russians, and later the Nazis. Even thought that they made several protests, they weren't successful. Modern Israel

At the beginning of World War II in 1939, a large number of German Jews migrated to Israel despite British restrictions. Fortunately, the truce with the British lasted through World War II, but when War ended the violence increased. In 1947, the United Nations voted to partition Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab. The Palestinians rejected this plan.


Israel proclaimed its independence on 14 May 1948, but other countries have several problems with it. The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq invade the Israel. The war ended in January 1949, when Arab was defeated.

When Egypt took control of the Suez Canal סואץ קנאל from France and Britain in 1956, Israel, fearing from the power of Egypt attacked Egypt's Sinai Desert and several days later France and Britain joined Israel in offensive attacks. Egypt sent its military back into the Sinai, obstructing the southern Israeli port of Eilat. Israel responded by attacking on 5 June. Syria, Jordan, and Iraq came to Egypt's defence, but all four nations were defeated. It came to be known as The Six-Day War, which Israel won the Sinai, the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights as well. It also resulted in a Jewish occupation of the West Bank and a reunited Jerusalem.


In 1982 Israel agreed to give up the Sinai, but it also invaded Lebanon, to leave its northern settlements less vulnerable to Palestinian attacks. However, by 1985, Israel had limited its presence to a security strip along the border.

The first peace talks between Israel and Palestinian Arabs, represented by Yasser Arafat of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), were held in Madrid in October 1991. The resulting agreement gave the Palestinians responsibility for the Gaza Strip and Jericho.

Israel went on to sign a peace agreement with Jordan in 1994, and to begin talks with Syria as well. However, despite progress at the upper echelons, violence continued.

National Identity

Israelis have bound up with identifying as Jews. National identity takes on a spiritual element, in which the observance of religious ritual becomes an expression of national pride. However, there are a lot of Secular Jews for whom Judaism is more a cultural than spiritual thing and many Palestinians living in Israel do not identify as Israelis at all. Much of their national identity is also based on both religious and cultural elements of the Muslim faith.

Ethnic Relations

Arabs and Jews have quite unfriendly relations. Each side sees the other one as aggressors. Palestinians say that Jews took their homeland and that they haven't got the right to take it, Jews feel that they are making a claim to land that is rightfully theirs, and from which they were exiled thousands of years ago. Relations within the Jewish community is also problematic. Many Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Jews have problems with the Palestinians and they want the state to follow a more strictly religious line.